Miss Tam Chiak

Miss Tam Chiak's Homepage

MissTamChiak.com brings a true sense of the delicious cuisine and incredible local culture of Singapore and all around the world. From street vendors and hawkers to cafes and fine restaurants, you will be able to discover some of the most palate-pleasing dishes in the world, and there’s always a new foodie adventure waiting just around the corner.

Daniel Food Diary

Daniel Food Diary's Homepage

Featuring local cuisine, gourmet food, international restaurants and more, DanielFoodDiary.com introduces some of the best food and dining experiences in Singapore and around the world.

I Eat I Shoot I Post

ieatishootipost's Homepage

Dr Leslie Tay, better known by his moniker “ieat” has spent almost a decade roaming around Singapore in search of the best hawker food and then publishing his mouth watering pictures and stories on his award winning food blog.